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CIAA Accreditation Standards are at the heart of continuous improvement and accreditation. They define the characteristics of a good education institution and provide guidelines for efforts that will energetically and visibly grow learners, teachers, leaders, and organizations.


Gain clarity

Work with a partner you can trust. For more than two decades, our team have provided objective feedback to thousands of schools around the globe.Engage your leadership team in a unique Cognia process—a thoughtful review of your whole institution by specially trained educators and leaders.

Bring out the best

Accreditation is a launchpad for school improvement. Based on rigorous research-based standards and evidence-based criteria, the process probes the whole institution—from policies to learning conditions and cultural context—to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of every learner.

The pursuit of excellence

Accreditation isn’t about passing a one-time inspection—it helps education providers meet improvement goals and sustain commitments to better learner outcomes. Furthermore, the CIAA's accreditation model provides an efficient approach to have your entire system reviewed once per accreditation cycle and delivers pivotal insights to help set improvement priorities across schools.

Clear goals, visible accomplishments

Preparation* and Self-Assessment: Your process begins with team orientation and training from Cognia. Then your team begins to reflect and collaborate; you’ll identify and collect the evidence that most meaningfully demonstrates your strengths and challenges.

  • Institutions new to CIAA begin with to familiarize themselves with CIAA and the accreditation process. All institutions engage in the three main phases of accreditation: Self-study, Engagement, and Progress.
  • CIAA-led Engagement Review: Your CIAA team then reviews your evidence and data, and analyzes all input against the Cognia Performance Standards and Rubrics.
  • Engagement Review Report: The CIAA team will synthesize all the input, identify patterns of strength, and recommend how to apply your institution’s strengths to improve, discussing all the conclusions with you.
  • Approval: CIAA’s Global Commission confirms that the findings in the report demonstrate your institution’s commitment and quality and confers your accreditation.

International American Accreditation for national schools

Council for International American Accreditation's new initiative is to support local schools with global standards, where a school which follows national curriculum can take our international accreditation process to start the international best practices and improve the learners experience in order to create global citizens. In fact, a national syllabus combined with global strategies will fetch the best results as such an institute can effectively combine the two worlds to form a perfect balance with our Council for American Accreditation

More insight, more collaboration

The current accreditation protocol is five years for most institutions. The five-year accreditation term adds more time for institutions to identify, implement, and evaluate improvement activities; and additional touchpoints throughout the term will provide more support from CIAA.